Monday, November 4, 2013

Are you aware?

Are you aware the majority of perpetrators of sexual abuse are people you know and trust?

It has been three and a half years since I learned of the abuse of my daughter.
Her perpetrator was someone I trusted.
He was my best friend.
He convinced myself and everyone around him he was honorable.
My tender five year old daughter knew better.
This man told my family he was put on this earth to take care of my children.
He adopted my children who were abondoned by their biological father.
He was the complete package on the outside.
I trusted him.
He knew my biggest fears.
He preyed on them and successfully convinced me he was our protector.
It continues to sadden me his family members have never acknowledged the truth.
He was a horrible, sociopathic man tried to destroy a beautiful soul.
His evil ways caused pain beyond words.
My beautiful daughter is strong and is healing.
She knows the truth and will soar as a result.
Truth does set you free.
It is my desire to encourage other mother's to trust their instincts.
Be aware.
Awareness and knowledge is the first step.